- 5th July 2012- The Journal of Sports Therapy (JST) was first published in Spring 2008.
- The Journal is a Tri-annual review of sports therapy theory and practice.
- The strategic plan of the JST is: to expand access to evidence and best practice; to advance and influence the diverse practice of sports therapists and others in the musculoskeletal healthcare and research communities; to objectively examine the effectiveness and utility of interventions within exercise and sports-related healthcare; to expand its subscriber, reader, author, editorial, and promotional bases.
- To achieve these aims, the Journal has now launched a new free-to-view website
- The JST welcomes submissions from all regions and is keen to consider for publication: original papers; systematic and meta-analysis reviews; commentaries; case studies; narrative discussions; media reviews; book and multimedia reviews; continual professional development course reviews; and letters to the editor.
- Essentially, the JST aims to provide a conduit for new, enthusiastic practitioners, authors and researchers, and to support the development of the sports therapy profession as a whole.